What can I do as a yogi to make my yoga class and studio a more approachable place for everyone?


What can I do as a yogi to make my yoga class and studio a more approachable place for everyone?


There is a lot of work to do around creating a studio space that invites all to practice there. Make sure that your teaching staff reflects the diversity you’d like to see in your student base, which includes all body types, races, ages, and genders. The same can be said for your marketing material. It is also important for the staff and community to be involved on unlearning patterns of oppression, implicit bias, and exclusion. (Learn more in Yoga for Everyone: The Top Organizations Making Yoga Accessible for Every Body.)

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Written by Amber Karnes
Profile Picture of Amber Karnes

Amber Karnes is the founder of Body Positive Yoga. She’s a ruckus maker, yoga teacher, social justice advocate, and a lifelong student of her body. Amber trains yoga teachers and studio owners how to create accessible and equitable spaces for wellness and liberation. She also coaches with human beings who want to build unshakable confidence and learn to live without shame or apology in the bodies they have today. She's the co-creator of Yoga For All Teacher Training, an Accessible Yoga trainer, and a sought-after expert on the topics of accessibility, authentic marketing, culture-shifting, and community-building. She lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband Jimmy. You can find her at bodypositiveyoga.com.