Alekszandra Rokvity

English teacher turned freelancer, I'm your typical millennial that decided nomadic life is the way to go. Passionate writer of both fiction and non-fiction. A big fan of this magical place called the Internet. Proud doggy mama, and just a bit of a nerd. My goal is to make the Internet an even more useful place by creating informative, accurate, creative and fun content. I do the research for you, so you can have all the tools to make educated life decisions at your finger tips!


Articles by Alekszandra Rokvity

Indra: The King of the Gods Indra: The King of the Gods Indra: The King of the Gods Indra: The King of the Gods

Indra teaches us to use the lightning bolt, which we each have within us, not only to fight for what is good and righteous, but to fight...

Lakshmi: The Goddess of Prosperity Lakshmi: The Goddess of Prosperity Lakshmi: The Goddess of Prosperity Lakshmi: The Goddess of Prosperity

Lakshmi is the goddess of good luck, wealth and prosperity - both in the material and the spiritual sense. Here's how worshipping her can...

candles arranged in circular and square pattern candles arranged in circular and square pattern candles arranged in circular and square pattern candles arranged in circular and square pattern

Diwali, also known as the festival of light, is the biggest event of the year for Hindu communities all over the world. For a practicing...

Goddess Durga: The Embodiment of Pure Force Goddess Durga: The Embodiment of Pure Force Goddess Durga: The Embodiment of Pure Force Goddess Durga: The Embodiment of Pure Force

All you need to know about Goddess Durga and the endless potential she can help you unlock in yourself!

Lord Krishna: The Voice of the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna: The Voice of the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna: The Voice of the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna: The Voice of the Bhagavad Gita

Lord Krishna is a vital figure in the history of yoga, as it is Krishna who is first recorded to have mentioned and defined the concept of...

woman holding large slice of watermelon up to her face like a smile woman holding large slice of watermelon up to her face like a smile woman holding large slice of watermelon up to her face like a smile woman holding large slice of watermelon up to her face like a smile

Gut health is becoming the latest wellness trend. We spoke to the experts to break down what you need to know about your gut and how to...

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