
Last Updated: August 12, 2020

Definition - What does Bindu mean?

Bindu is a Sanskrit term directly translated as "point’"or "dot." Bindu has a rich variety of meaning depending on the context, but it is primarily regarded in Indian religions and philosophies as the point from which all creation begins and is ultimately unified.

In Tantrism, bindu is understood as an expression of the highest consciousness, symbolic of both Shiva and Shakti, the source of creation and divine feminine energy respectively. Bindu may also refer to the silent point that is the source of all sacred sound.

The feminine version of the word is bindi, denoting a small ornamental dot affixed to the forehead as a devotional ritual in Hinduism.

The bindi dot is considered to represent bindu, the point of universal consciousness from which the universe originates. Most yantras and mandalas (ritual designs, often circular or geometric) also have the bindu at their center.

Yogapedia explains Bindu

In yoga, bindu is the name of a drishti or gazing point midway between the eyebrows. Additionally, it is sometimes referred to as the transition point into pure consciousness, or the point at which the yogic practices of contemplation, concentration and meditation converge.

At an individual level, experiencing and then transcending bindu leads to samadhi, or blissful unity with the higher Self. At the universal level, all existence originates from bindu and will return to bindu when the death of the physical body occurs.

Tantra yoga recognizes an eighth chakra known as the bindu chakra, located at the back of the head about five inches from the top of the skull. The bindu chakra is important for overall physical, emotional, and spiritual health and vitality, bringing a sense of well-being and purpose when in balance.

In the Tantric tradition, bindu chakra is thought to hold a special nectar (amrit) which can help liberate the practitioner from suffering.

Both shoulder stand pose (salamba sarvangasana) and headstand pose (sirsasana) are yoga postures believed to open the bindu chakra.

In Tantra, bindu may also refer to the point at the back of the head where Brahmins grow their tuft of hair. This point exists below the crown (sahasrara) chakra and above the third-eye (ajna) chakra, and is symbolically represented as a crescent moon with a white drop.

It is believed to be the manifestation of all creation, particularly in terms of consciousness. In its basest sense, bindu may also be considered to represent semen.

This understanding accounts for the concept of the cosmic, universal potential of bindu reduced to an individual level. This representation highlights the notion of bindu as the centre of all creation

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