
Last Updated: April 23, 2020

Definition - What does Chakra mean?

In Ayurveda and various yoga traditions, such as Tantra and Kundalini, the term chakra refers to an energy centre that interacts with both the physical and energetic bodies. The word itself is derived from the Sanskrit cakra, meaning “wheel,” alluding to the vortex of swirling energy believed to reside in each chakra’s location. There are several different chakra systems, ranging between 7 to 114 in number, each with a unique vibrational frequency and healing potency.

If a chakra becomes blocked, it can have a significant impact on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. As such, a basic understanding of chakras can have a deeply positive influence, both in terms of healing specific wounds and living a more optimal life. Each chakra relies on the health and energetic flow of the others, in order for them to function harmoniously. When any one chakra becomes blocked, it can therefore disrupt the flow of energy throughout the entire body.

Yogapedia explains Chakra

Chakras offer a yogic explanation of the life force energy system (prana), roughly corresponding with the nervous and endocrine systems in the physical body. First described in ancient Hindu scriptures, chakras have been referenced in Indian, Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese teachings for thousands of years. According to yogic science, they are connected by energy pathways called nadis, Sanskrit for ‘rivers’.

The interaction between nadis and chakras controls the circulation of our life force energy. Emotional and physical disturbances in the body and mind are thought to stem from an under-active, overactive or blocked chakra, preventing a balanced flow of energy. The ideal state is one in which all seven chakras are open, allowing a balanced flow of energy.

Most traditions agree that there are seven main chakras, forming a straight line from the base of the spine to the space just above the crown of the head. Each of these seven Chakras corresponds with a unique colour, and is responsible for a specific physiological function and emotional experience:

  • Muladhara (Root Chakra, Red) — Basic trust, sense of safety, security and being grounded
  • Svadisthana (Spleen or Sacral Chakra, Orange) — Pleasure, enjoyment, sexuality and creativity
  • Manipura (Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra, Yellow) — Self-esteem and personal power
  • Anahata (Heart Chakra, Green) — Love, compassion and forgiveness
  • Visuddha (Throat Chakra, Blue) — Expression and communication
  • Ajna (Third Eye Chakra, Indigo) — Inspiration, awareness and intuition
  • Sahasrara (Crown Chakra, Violet) — Spirituality and enlightenment

body showing the seven chakras visudhha anahata manipura sahasrara svadisthana muladhara crown chakra third eye chakra throat chakra heart chakra solar plexus chakra sacral chakra root chakra

According to yogic principles, practices, such as pranayama, asana, mantra chanting, meditation and visualization, encourage and improve energy flow throughout the chakras, allowing us to address and heal our own physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances from within. Chakra meditations involve simply focussing on the specific area of the body or colour associated with the chakra as a means of restoring and balancing energetic flow.

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