
woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field

Is resistance blocking you from accepting the present moment? Develop resilience and face life's challenges without becoming stuck.

Close up of blue eye and freckles Close up of blue eye and freckles Close up of blue eye and freckles Close up of blue eye and freckles

Awareness of the six pramanas is a vital step toward stilling the whirlpools of the mind. Learn how the mind functions through the lens of...

woman with eyes closed in shadows of leaves with sunlight woman with eyes closed in shadows of leaves with sunlight woman with eyes closed in shadows of leaves with sunlight woman with eyes closed in shadows of leaves with sunlight

By bringing awareness to the physiological sensations of stress and anxiety, we can use yoga to transform adversity into resilience.

small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up

In Tonglen meditation, we take in the pain of others on an in breath, and send out healing vibes and thoughts on our out breath. Here's how...

palm of womans hand wearing rings and bracelets palm of womans hand wearing rings and bracelets palm of womans hand wearing rings and bracelets palm of womans hand wearing rings and bracelets

Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is the practice of maintaining focus on something, as a means of making the mind stable and binding body,...

The Meaning of Moksha The Meaning of Moksha The Meaning of Moksha The Meaning of Moksha

To reach moksha all we need to do to find peace and purpose in this life is to remember that we are more than just a physical body. But how...

Suffering & Sweetness: Understanding Duhkha and Sukha to Deepen Your Practice Suffering & Sweetness: Understanding Duhkha and Sukha to Deepen Your Practice Suffering & Sweetness: Understanding Duhkha and Sukha to Deepen Your Practice Suffering & Sweetness: Understanding Duhkha and Sukha to Deepen Your Practice

Understanding duhkha and sukha can help deepen your practice and help you learn to find contentment in the present moment.

Non-attachment Non-attachment Non-attachment Non-attachment

Non-attachment (or aparigraha) is not detachment. Learn more about this Buddhist and yogic principle, and how to practice it.