Utthita Tadasana

Definition - What does Utthita Tadasana mean?

Utthita tadasana is a basic standing posture that energizes, lengthens and opens the entire body. The name comes from the Sanskrit, utthita, meaning “extended”; tada, meaning “mountain”; and asana, which means “posture” or “pose.”

Practice of this pose begins in tadasana, then the feet are spread wide. The arms stretch to the sides parallel to the ground with the palms facing downward or forward.

In English, it is a variation of mountain pose known as star pose or five-pointed star pose, so-named because the posture resembles a star.

Utthita Tadasana

Yogapedia explains Utthita Tadasana

In utthita tadasana, the fingers are typically splayed, further opening the body, and the drishti is straight ahead. The openness created by the pose has a range of physical benefits, including improving circulation, respiration and posture. It also has these mental, emotional and spiritual benefits:

  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Opens the yogi to love and happiness
  • Promotes emotional balance
  • Aligns the chakras

Utthita tadasana is also believed to balance the anahata (heart) chakra, which is associated with love, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness.

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